Intelligent Information and Communication Systems
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Lab Station 1|
Example out of LS1|
Lab Station 2|
Lab Station 3|
Lab Station 4|
Example out of LS4|
Lab Station 5|
Example out of LS5|
Lab Station 6|
Lab Station 7|
Lab Station 8|

Example of a Task out of Lab Station 5:

Semantics of prepositional phrases


Upgrade the existing parser to be able to understand all prepositional phrases built with "on".


Prepositional phrases (PPs) are constituents of sentences introduced by a preposition like "on", "over", "in", and so on. The automatic interpretation of PPs is very important for understanding and disambiguating natural language sentences. Computational linguists use special programs, so-called parsers, to analyze natural language expressions. Parsers must "know" the rules, according to which they can analyze the language. This set of rules is called a grammar. Every grammar for a natural language must also have a subset of rules that cover prepositional phrases. These PP-rules can be formulated with the expressional means of MultiNet). The description of this meaning representation language can be found in the MultiNet documentation (H. Helbig, 2005).


The rest of the task is left out.
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Hermann Helbig | 08.12.2020
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